Epidemiological Studies on COVID-19 and Mental Health in Mexico: Better Methodology for Better results: a Literature Review
Background. Updated information is required on studies conducted in Mexico on the mental health consequences of COVID-19.
Objective. In comparison with previous efforts, we increased the timeframe of the literature search to February 2023 and used a larger list of potential mental health outcomes.
Method. We used common international literature databases and more local databases, such as SciELO, and the Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS). We focussed on the methodological issues of these studies, their prevalence estimates and suspected risk factors.
Results. We reported on ninety-five studies that included Mexican data on symptoms of alcohol use, anxiety, depression, gaming, sleep problems and suicidal thoughts and behaviours. In most cases, we found a cross-sectional survey with self-reported information on mental health symptoms usually although not always with validated screening instruments and scales. These studies were implemented on websites, and sometimes over the phone, on self-selected volunteers. We found a small subset of fourteen longitudinal datasets (for alcohol use, anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts and behaviours) that suggested a more cautious interpretation of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of Mexicans.
Discussion and conclusion. Although the initial rapid studies during the early phases of the pandemic yielded warning signs, they did not necessarily follow standard epidemiological principles. Methodological improvements are required for future studies on the mental health consequences of natural, man-made disasters and epidemic contingencies.
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