Salud Mental

Depressive symptoms in pregnant women treated at the Hospital Infantil del Estado de Sonora


César Dalí González-Gastélum
Luis Daniel Ávila-Gámez
Claudia Iveth Briseño-Robles
Norma Carolina Morales-García
Ana Irais Becerra-Durand
Mauricio Frías-Mendívil


Introduction. Pregnancy, being a situation of vulnerability and with its inherent changes, places women at a great risk of depression. In Mexico, the prevalence of probable depression in pregnant women treated at the Instituto Nacional de Perinatología, was 17.8%, assessed using the Edinburgh Perinatal Depression Scale (EPDS). To date, there are no data regarding this issue in Sonora.

Objective. To determine the prevalence of depressive symptoms in pregnant women treated at the Hospital Infantil del Estado de Sonora (México).

Method. An observational, descriptive, transversal, and prospective study was conducted in 2021, applying the EPDS in 168 2nd/3rd trimester pregnant women, selected by non-probabilistic sampling by consecutive cases. Sociodemographic variables, pathological/non-pathological, gynecological, and obstetrical personal history were explored. The analysis was performed using measures of central tendency and dispersion for quantitative variables; for qualitative variables, frequency and percentage; χ2 test to assess differences in distribution of depressive symptomatology by age and the rest of variables.

Results. A global prevalence of “probable depression” of 14.3% was determined. The majority, within 20-29 age group, with a partner and a planned/desired pregnancy. High school educational level, 50%. History of intimate partner violence, 54.2%. Almost 40%, primigravida. Substance use, denied. Overweight/obesity, in 70%.

Discussion and conclusion. There is a high prevalence of depressive symptoms during pregnancy, going unnoticed for reasons such as insufficient knowledge (patient/health care providers), since there is no routine screening. It is imperative to work on prevention, detection and treatment, since it entails multiple consequences at a binomial, family, and social level.

Depression, pregnancy, screening, Edinburgh, Sonora


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