Resilience as a Protective Factor against Alcohol Use and Anxiety in Adolescents during the Pandemic
Introduction. The COVID-19 pandemic saw an increase in substance use and anxiety among adolescents. Although resilience can have a protective effect against both, there is a dearth of studies examining these relationships in Mexico.
Objective. To determine the association between resilience and the frequency of alcohol use, as well as anxiety symptomatology, among high school students in southern Veracruz during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Method. A cross-sectional, analytical study was administered at nine high schools in southern Veracruz. Online questionnaires were used to assess students’ resilience, alcohol consumption patterns, and frequency of anxiety symptoms. These assessments were conducted using three instruments: RESI-M for resilience, ASSIST for alcohol consumption, and DASS-21 for anxiety symptomatology. Descriptive and associative statistics were used.
Results. A total of 2,194 adolescents were included, of whom 78.6% had a low or medium level of resilience; 28.3% reported lifetime alcohol use, and 22.0% had used alcohol in the past three months. A total of 25.8% of the adolescents had symptoms of severe or extremely severe anxiety. Adolescents with lower levels of resilience, as well as its dimensions showed a higher frequency of alcohol consumption (χ2 = 24.7; p < .001) and anxiety levels (χ2 = 185.45; p < .001).
Discussion and Conclusion. These findings suggest an association between resilience, alcohol consumption, and anxiety. Further studies are required to determine whether an intervention focused on promoting resilience reduces alcohol consumption and anxiety levels.
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