Psychometric Properties of Tools for Assessing Spirituality: A Scoping Review
Background The study of spirituality has gained importance, as it correlates with mental health and coping strategies, particularly at times of vulnerability. Spirituality could therefore contribute to the development of interventions to improve people’s quality of life. Experts often base the development of interventions and treatments on instruments measuring constructs such as spiritual well-being, which requires validated, reliable instruments.
Objective. This scoping review sought to summarize the evidence in the literature on the instruments available to assess spirituality in different groups and evaluate the content and psychometric properties of these instruments.
Method. A search was conducted on PubMed, Virtual Health Library (VHL), Elsevier, Springer, Scopus, and Google Scholar databases, using a combination of keywords such as “spirituality,” “validation study,” and “psychometrics.” The search was restricted to studies published in English and Spanish from January 2013 to March 2023.
Results. Sixty-four studies were included in this review. Two categories of analysis were established, the first being constructs related to spirituality and instruments for their measurement, in which a total of 22 conceptual constructs were found. The second was the validity and reliability of the instruments, in which it was found that most studies only assessed construct validity.
Discussion and conclusion. Given the complexity of the phenomenon, many instruments lack conceptual boundaries, resulting in similarities between items in instruments measuring different constructs. Determining the attributes and dimensions for the accurate measurement of spirituality is essential.
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