Salud Mental

Protection and Risk Factors for Attempted Suicide in Mexican Students Majoring in Psychology


Marco Antonio Santana Campas
Karla Patricia Valdés García
Magda Lidiana Sánchez Aranda
Laura Elena De Luna Velasco
Oscar Ulises Reynoso González


Introduction. The prevalence of suicidal behavior in university students ranges from 14.1% to 27.9%, with suicide being the fourth leading cause of death among young people ages 15 to 29. Hopelessness, decreased self-efficacy, depression, anxiety, and emotional dysregulation are among the main risk factors.

Objective. To determine the effect of hopelessness, depression, anxiety, stress, drug use, and self-efficacy on suicide attempts in Mexican psychology students.

Method. A quantitative, cross-sectional study was undertaken with a sample of 3,438 students from sixty-two universities accredited by the National Council for Teaching and Research in Psychology (CNEIP) from six regions in Mexico.

Results. A total of 19.9% reported attempted suicide (85.1% women and 14.9% men); 36.4% drug use; 40.2% moderate to extreme stress; 50.1% anxiety, and 40.7% depression; 74.1% medium to high emotional dysregulation; 30.2% moderate to high hopelessness, and 32.9% low self-efficacy. Drug use (OR 1.897), sex (OR 1.756), anxiety (OR 1.218), hopelessness (OR 1.209), depression (OR 1.756), and stress (OR 1.050) respectively account for 17.2% of the variability of suicide attempts.

Discussion and conclusion. Confirmation of the effect of the variables analyzed on the suicide attempts of psychology students underlines the importance of incorporating actions that will contribute to controlling the incidence of suicide.

Suicide attempts, hopelessness, anxiety, stress, depression, self-efficacy


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